[ CHAPTER 0 ]                 

What can you do but tell your story.

Audre Lorde writes that it is through poetry that we give name to those ideas that are, until the poem, nameless and formless. She writes of poetry as illumination, as dream and vision, as the spawning ground for the most radical and daring of ideas.

So, Audre Lorde and tech? Actually, yes.

Demain believes deeply in the poetics of founding and company building. In the earliest stages, founders, too, are poets shaping the nameless into existence.

You, too, are writing a new story, and these stories become the core of your company. They inform how you scale your people, your roadmap, your engineering practices. How you codify beliefs, priorities, decisions. How you build tomorrow, today.

Demain exists to help you tell your story, when it’s all still in your head.

də.mɛ̃ · from the french meaning ‘tomorrow’

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imagined in brooklyn · 2022